Saturday, May 31, 2014

Ask and you shall received

Word of encouragement.

God loves you very much and wants to help you. But you need to ask Him to.
Every morning you get up ask The Lord what do I need today, encouragement , strength, healing, spiritual healing, emotionally and mental healing, or just come and sit with Him to ear my cry for help. Don't just be open ask. For he is willing to give all that you will ask and need in a humble way. When you feel overwhelmed, lift your hands to heaven and take a deep breath and say Lord here I am filled me today with your goodness and He will hear your faintest cry of your heart. So stop trying to do everything on your own or by your self, and reach out to those you trust. God will move in the mist of your situation because that is what he promise, when He says:  "where two or more gather to gather in my name I am in the mist of you." Jesus love company.

For example; the next time you are tempted to over heat, drink, smoke, engaged in sexual sin, because you are feeling sad or upset; just take control of your emotion and say "no" out loud. Then go sit quietly for a moment and ask God to help you in your situation. You'll be amazed of how much of a difference asking makes. More often than not, you'll find that you suddenly have the strength to resist the temptation. You may think He doesn't care but He does because He loves you and He wants you to be healthy.

Just don't simply pray, "but pray to him to help you find the spiritual strength to make the lifestyle changes that will set you free from the problems. As we choose to do what is right and lean on Him to give us strength. His power enables us to follow through and experience victory." 

Other ways of reaching out for God nourishing love is to read something everyday that encourages and give you hope, keep a gratitude journal and list all the good things that happened to you that day. ( and there are good things in everyday.) get in a habit of feeding your spirit everyday and you will be healthy and strong inside and out. Trust in the one who created you. Have a bless day!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Forgiveness is also part of our health.

The power of forgiveness:

The rules, regulations and principles that God tells us to abide by in the Bible are all there for our own good. They are there to protect us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

In the Lord’s Prayer it says, “Forgive us our trespassers as we forgive those who trespass against us”. Matthew 6:12

This article depicts what my mother demonstrated to us as we were growing up. She was a young mother with five children after my father left us. She never once spoke bad about our dad to us, instead she encourage us to have a relationship with him. Out of all of my brothers been the oldest I could not understand the kindness my mother had shown towards our dad and his wife. But it was that,  that keep me balance in dealing with life negative circumstances and relationships. Forgiveness is the freedom of that child within you that can fly to unlimited horizons, like a butterfly. (Transforming day by day.) 
*Forgiveness: is like a woman in her child likeness crossing over water leaving all her pain behind and taken control of her future to lived in the freedom of lightness."

*Read the article and be transform in ways that you  never taught possible, it's a freeing experience.

"The Power of Forgiveness
by Naomi Drew, M.A.
author of Hope and Healing: Peaceful Parenting in an Uncertain World

“When you forgive somebody who has wronged you, you’re spared the dismal corrosion of bitterness and wounded pride. For both parties, forgiveness means the freedom again to be at peace inside their own skins and to be glad in each others’ presence."
Fredrick Buechner

"Peace is not possible without forgiveness. Martin Luther King once said, “Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a permanent attitude.” The only way children can learn the habit of forgiveness is by seeing us, their parents, forgive others and forgive ourselves. 

The freedom to be at peace in our own skins - that’s what forgiveness allows. We relinquish this freedom when we hold onto anger and resentment. Enormous amounts of energy are wasted when we hold back our love, hold onto hate, and harbor acrimonious feelings. The only remedy is letting go, and being willing to forgive. 

But how? Here are four powerful steps to forgiveness from one of the world’s foremost experts on the subject, Dr. Fredrick Luskin: 

1. Close your eyes, and for about 20 seconds, picture the person who hurt or angered you. Let all your grievances come up. Notice what happens in your body -- acceleration of heart-beat, shallow breathing, tension, etc.

2. Now let go of this image and take some slow, deep abdominal breaths. Focus on your abdomen, and imagine the breath going down into it as you inhale. Expand your abdomen on each inhalation, and deflate your abdomen as you exhale. Take about five breaths and keep your focus on your abdomen. If your mind goes back to the person who hurt you or to anything else, bring the focus back to the rhythm of your breath and the movement of your abdominal muscles as you inhale and exhale.

3. Bring into your mind an image of someone you love very much, or a place of peace and beauty. Allow yourself to be flooded with the positive feelings this image elicits. Now bring those feelings down to the area around your heart. Allow the good feelings to penetrate your heart and soothe you.

4. Lastly, keep breathing the good feelings into your heart. Now take a look again at the person you are angry at. Let the good feelings protect you. The purpose of doing this step is to break the pattern of stress reactions that normally occur in your mind and body when you think of the person who hurt you. When you surround your heart with positive energy, the power the person has had over you begins to dissipate. 

Resentment is a habit, and habits take twenty-five days to change. So if you do this exercise each time you think of the person who hurt you over twenty-five days, you will literally change your mental and physical reactions. They will no longer have power to hurt you because you will have reprogrammed your own reactions. And when this happens, you start to become free.

Sometimes we need to forgive without reconciliation: forgiving for the mere purpose of forgiving. Certainly, what we strive for is to reconcile all conflicts, clear the air, and understand one another. But there are times this is impossible - with a parent who has passed away, with someone who has wronged you and is long gone, with someone who is unwilling to communicate. These are the times we must dip deep into our own souls and see if we are willing to forgive anyway. 

I have on the bulletin board above my desk a yellowed article written by the scholar and Holocaust survivor Elie Weisel in 1997. In it, Weisel expresses the most profound act of forgiveness imaginable. It is here that Elie Weisel expresses forgiveness toward God for the Holocaust. 

In the article Weisel asks God the question he has struggled with all his life: “Where were you, God of Kindness, in Auschwitz?” Weisel had never been able to understand how a loving God could have allowed the Holocaust to exist. But out of the question that has tormented him for fifty years, Weisel gleans a sudden insight: “Watching your children suffer at the hands of your other children, haven’t you also suffered?” 

In this moment of compassion, Weisel is finally moved to offer God his forgiveness: “Let us make up, Master of the Universe,” he says. “In spite of everything that happened? Yes, in spite. Let us make up: for the child in me, it is unbearable to be divorced from you for so long.” 

This story is a reminder to me that forgiveness and compassion are essential and possible under all circumstances. For the child in all of us, we must learn to forgive. And for the sake of the children we love with unparalleled ferocity, we must model the most magnanimous and humbling of all acts - the act of forgiveness.

Forgiveness Exercise:

- Is there someone you need to forgive? Write about that person and the circumstance below. Are you ready to forgive him or her? If so, go onto the next step.

- Do the process outlined above. 

- When you feel ready, complete this forgiveness statement . 

I ___________do hereby grant forgiveness to ____________. I forgive you for:

Here’s what I need to communicate so that my offering of forgiveness will be complete: 

-Talk to your child about the importance of forgiveness. Ask him if there is anyone he needs to forgive. If so, have him do the 4-step process, then copy the above forgiveness statement, and have him fill it out. 

Nelson Mandela once said, “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” You have the power to change that. Peace is built on the decisions we make and the actions we take in the small moments of our life. Deciding to forgive is one more way of creating peace, the most important job any of us can do right now.

About the author:
Naomi Drew is recognized around the world as an expert on conflict resolution and peacemaking in schools and homes. Hailed as visionary, her work has enabled educators, parents, and people of all ages to live together more cooperatively.

Her work has been recognized by educational leaders throughout the country. People of all ages have attested to durable changes in their relationships after applying the principles Drew outlines. Her work has been featured in magazines, newspapers, radio, and TV and she currently serves as a parenting expert for “Classroom Close-ups,” a public television show.

She is the author of four books, serves as a consultant to school districts, leads seminars, and runs parenting courses. Her latest book is Hope and Healing: Peaceful Parenting in an Uncertain World. Visit for more information on Naomi Drew and her work."
*Forgiveness: is like a woman in her child likeness crossing over water leaving all her pain behind and taken control of her future to lived in the freedom of lightness.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Balancing your health

 Balancing your health.

Practical Ideas:
1- looking good - fashion, makeup, hair
2- Having peace - yoga, meditation, gardening, reading a good book, trusting God,
3-Laughing - good humor 
4- Recreation - movies, theater, bicycling, picnics, Museums...
5-Spiritual life - belonging to a church, reading the bible, poems...
6-Relaxation - spa, massage, steam bath, aroma therapy..
Incorporating these things in your life can help your self esteem, your attitude, making good decision, release stress. In essence taking time to smell the roses, life is beautiful.

 Pampering yourself:
1- take a warm bath with your own calming stress relieve bath salt mix
Combine one cup Dead Sea salt, Epsom salt, oatmeal and your favorite essential oil ( 5 drops) in a glass jar. Replace the lid and shake to combine. Add the salts to a filled tub and swirl the water to dissolve and light a candle.

2- turn off your computer, TV, and phone. Used this time to engage in deep breathing, meditation, prayer or yoga.

3- wash your hands and feet with a peppermint coconut oil sugar scrub, and then massage them to boost circulation.

4- apply favorite body lotion or oil after your bath or shower
Your skin will feel soft and loved all day.

5- finally float some beautiful blossoms in a large bowl of water and enjoy the simple elegance of the display along with its relaxing fragrance.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Disease is a Sspiritual Problem

Dr. Lorraine Day
Disease is a Spiritual Problem

"When God PROMISES to “heal ALL our diseases,” God also gives us the PROCESS by which His PROMISE is to be accomplished.  We are not allowed to consult human “experts” on healing, such as the orthodox medical doctors, but we must follow ONLY God’s way.

God not only has made the PROMISE, God also gives us the PROCESS by which His PROMISE is to be accomplished.

Disease, virtually ALL disease, BEGINS as a Spiritual problem.  It begins in the “heart” because we want to live, eat, think, act, and handle stress our OWN way, rather than GOD’S way.  We are in rebellion against God, whether we realize and acknowledge it or not.  Only MUCH later do the physical symptoms appear - as a result our OWN bad decisions.

We believe we have Free Will and the right to exercise it, but Jesus said,

            “I came NOT to do My OWN will, but the WILL of Him who sent Me.” John 6:38

We give ourselves disease, one day at a time, by following OUR OWN will, rather than following GOD’S WILL for our life. "

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Body cleanser

Kidney Cleanse (Juicer Recipe)

This juice is an excellent detoxifier.  The cucumber and celery work as diuretics expelling extra water and flushing out the kidneys.  This juice is also very high in vitamin C. 

Note: Parsley should not be consumed in large quantities if pregnant of suffering from kidney inflammation as it works as a uterine stimulant. 

  • 4 sprigs parsley
  • 1 cucumber
  • 3-4 stalks organic celery (with our without leaves)
  • 1/2 lemon

This combination should produce approximately 2 1/2 cups of juice.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Flaxseed chicken vegetable casserole

Flaxseed chicken vegetable casserole
Serves 5
10 pieces chicken leg or parts
1 large onion slice
1 pasilla chile green pepper slice
3 Roma tomatoes
4 Mexican squash- calabasitas cut in half 
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp coconut or olive oil

Season chicken with:
Salt freshly ground pepper
1 tsp achiote
1 tsp cumin
2 tsp flexed powder
1 tbsp sofrito
1 tsp coconut oil or olive oil

Direction: preheat oven at 350 degrees
1-in a bowl season chicken with salt , fresh ground pepper, achiote, cumin, flexed seed powder, sofrito. 
2-Wash your hands or used glove, smared your hands with coconut or olive oil, then mix chicken well. Set aside.
3-Used the other tsp of coconut or olive oil and brush a casserole dish.
4-Assemble the vegetables in the casserole as follow: slice onions, tomatoes, slice pasilla chile, sprinkle with salt and pepper, then add the Mexican squash and the season chicken. 
5-Cover with foil paper, put into oven for, 30 minutes then remove foil and continue to bake at 375 degrees for about 45 minutes or until brown. Served hot.