Friday, May 16, 2014

Disease is a Sspiritual Problem

Dr. Lorraine Day
Disease is a Spiritual Problem

"When God PROMISES to “heal ALL our diseases,” God also gives us the PROCESS by which His PROMISE is to be accomplished.  We are not allowed to consult human “experts” on healing, such as the orthodox medical doctors, but we must follow ONLY God’s way.

God not only has made the PROMISE, God also gives us the PROCESS by which His PROMISE is to be accomplished.

Disease, virtually ALL disease, BEGINS as a Spiritual problem.  It begins in the “heart” because we want to live, eat, think, act, and handle stress our OWN way, rather than GOD’S way.  We are in rebellion against God, whether we realize and acknowledge it or not.  Only MUCH later do the physical symptoms appear - as a result our OWN bad decisions.

We believe we have Free Will and the right to exercise it, but Jesus said,

            “I came NOT to do My OWN will, but the WILL of Him who sent Me.” John 6:38

We give ourselves disease, one day at a time, by following OUR OWN will, rather than following GOD’S WILL for our life. "

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